Contact Lenses

Contact Lenses

Contact lenses have come a long way. If you haven’t tried contact lenses for a while, you are in for a surprise. Contact lenses are very comfortable and wearable than ever before. There are many value packs and cost effective contact lens options available at our practice.

Contact Lenses
for your life style

Everyone has unique visual requirements according to their lifestyle, occupational and leisure needs. To reflect this, there are different types of contact lenses with a variety of lens replacement and wearing schedules, each offering their own advantages.
Daily disposable soft lenses

If you’re looking for a simple and convenient way of correcting your eyesight, daily disposable contact lenses offer many benefits. These soft lenses are worn for a day and then thrown away – there is no need for solutions to clean and store them. Daily Disposable lenses are especially convenient and cost-effective if you want to wear contact lenses part time – in fact, they’re ideal for sport, going out and occasional wear, or for use when travelling.

Two-weekly/monthly replacement soft lenses

These soft contact lenses are worn on a daily wear basis and changed every two weeks or every month. You must remove them each night, clean and store them using the solutions recommended by your eyecare practitioner. They’re the most common type of soft lens fitted as they are more cost-effective than daily disposables for those who wear their lenses every day or almost every day. They’re also available in a wide range of materials, fittings, powers and designs.

Extended/continuous wear soft lenses

Contact lenses that can be left in the eye for up to a month, and with minimal lens handling and cleaning. The advent of highly permeable silicone hydrogels, designed for up to 30 nights of extended or continuous wear, has led to renewed interest in this type of lens wear. However, sleeping in contact lenses overnight increases the risk of an infection, irrespective of lens type. Your eyecare practitioner may suggest daily wear or a shorter wearing time depending on your individual needs.

Coloured Contact Lenses

We offer both daily and monthly coloured prescription contact lenses to suit your needs. Coloured contact lenses enhance the natural beauty of your eyes by adding depth and greater definition,

As well as the practical benefits, contact lenses are great for those times when you don’t want your eyes to be hidden. So if you’re dressing up for an event, or just going for a different look you have the freedom to do so, without glasses getting in the way.

Contact Lenses For Sports

Contact lenses can be a game changer for sports enthusiasts – Unlike glasses, contact lenses won’t slip down your face if you’re sweaty. They’re great for fast-paced sports that require you to be at your most agile. They don’t get in the way of helmets or headgear and they don’t fog up.

Contact lenses with a UV filter will protect your eyes from the sun all day long – whether that’s on a beach, up a mountain or on the baseball pitch.

Contact Lenses
for Children

Contact lenses provide all-round vision, so children can more easily spot things out of the corner of their eye. They also help give children the freedom to run around, take part in sport and play, without glasses getting in the way. That also means no fear of prescription glasses breaking.

Contact lenses can be used daily or only on special occasions or when playing sport for example, meaning that you can control the costs.

When it comes to fitting contact lenses, a child’s interest and motivation to wear contact lenses is the most important factor to consider in fitting a child with contacts. Also very important to doctors are a child’s maturity level, the child’s ability to take care of contact lenses by themselves, and the child’s personal hygiene habits. 

How to take care
of your contact lenses

DOs and DON’Ts of Contact Lenses
Always wash and thoroughly dry your hands before handling contact lenses.
Carefully and regularly clean contact lenses as directed by your optometrist. If recommended, rub the contact lenses with your fingers and rinse them thoroughly before soaking the lenses overnight in multipurpose solution that completely covers each lens.
Store lenses in the proper lens storage case, and replace the case every month.
Use only fresh solution to clean and store contact lenses. Never reuse old solution. Change your contact lens solution according to the manufacturer’s recommendations, even if you don’t use your lenses daily.
Always follow the recommended contact lens replacement schedule prescribed by your eye doctor.
Remove contact lenses before swimming or entering a hot tub.
Avoid tap water to wash or store contact lenses or lens cases.
See your optometrist for your regularly scheduled contact lens and eye examination.
Use cream soaps. They can leave a film on your hands that can transfer to the lenses.
Put contact lenses in your mouth or moisten them with saliva, which is full of bacteria and a potential source of infection.
Use tap water to wash or store contact lenses or lens cases.
Share lenses with others.
Use products not recommended by your optometrist to clean and disinfect your lenses. Saline solution and rewetting drops are not designed to disinfect lenses.
Sleep in contact lenses after being exposed to pools, lakes, oceans, hot tubs or other sources of water that can contain bacteria.
Swimming in reusable contact lenses.